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4 vantaggi chiave di essere bilingue

Lunedì, 15 Maggio 2017
4 advantages of being bilingual 4 advantages of being bilingual This image by pixabay.com is licensed under the Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license

Parlare due lingue invece di una sola ha molti benefici pratici. Vediamo quattro dei vantaggi più importanti in questa  reading comprehension a livello alto intermedio.

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Reading comprehension - Upper Intermediate Level

Bilingualism in children and adults and its benefits. There are many advantages to being bilingual but here are the big four:

1.    Bilingual people are more attractive!

270 British dating agencies agreed that in their experience people who speak a foreign language are more attractive as partners.  The most favoured accents are Irish, Italian and Brazilian Portuguese.  Bilingual children also have the social advantage of being able to make friends with a wider range of other nationalities.

2.    Bilinguals are more intelligent!

Recent research shows that bilinguals have better control over the command system in their brains. This means that they have a superior ability to concentrate , solve problems and focus, as well as demonstrating mental flexibility and multi-tasking skills.  In addition, the children raised by bilingual couples are more likely to have better memory and intelligence.

3.    Bilingual people stay mentally fit for longer!

It has been discovered that bilingualism seems to give protection against the effects of dementia.  In tests, bilinguals showed symptoms of Alzheimer's Disease some four to five years after monolinguals. Being bilingual didn't actually prevent people getting dementia but it delayed its effects. Researchers think this is because bilingualism rewires the brain and improves the way it works.  Therefore, when parts of the brain  become damaged or worn out in later life, bilinguals can compensate more because they have extra grey matter and alternative nerve pathways.  However, the effect depends on how often a person uses their bilingual skill - the more it is used, the greater the protective effect.

Bilingualism can also offer protection after brain injury.  In a recent study of 600 stroke survivors, the recovery of brain function was twice as likely for bilinguals as for monolinguals.

4.    Bilinguals have more lifestyle options!

Knowing at least two languages increases a child's awareness of other cultures and equips them as global citizens, widening their horizons and improving their job prospects in later life.  Multilingual employees can expect a salary uplift of up to 20% in certain jobs and over a third of businesses want people specifically for their language skills. So, it literally pays to be bilingual and there are more options open to bilingual families in terms of where to live and their degree of integration. 

 4 key advantages of being bilingual - Comprehension Questions:

1. What is the percentage of people who have dated a person who can speak a different language?

2. What advantages do the children of bilingual couples usually have?

3. According to the article, bilinguals have greater protection against the effects of two illnesses.  What are the two medical conditions mentioned?

4. How much higher are the salaries for bilinguals in certain jobs?

4 key advantages of being bilingual - Comprehension Questions and Answers:

1.  What is the percentage of people who have dated a person who can speak a different language?


2. What advantages do the children of bilingual couples usually have?

They have better memory and intelligence.

3. According to the article, bilinguals have greater protection against the effects of two illnesses.  What are the two medical conditions mentioned?

Alzheimer's Disease and stroke

4. How much higher are the salaries for bilinguals in certain jobs?

Up to 20%
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published in Letture Graduate 2017
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